Justin Whippo

Mar 81 min

Frankensteins Army (2013)

My quick rating - 4.1/10. Going in, I wasn't aware this was a found footage film. Well, now you know it is so on with the movie. Toward the end of World War II, Russian soldiers pushing into eastern Germany stumble across a secret Nazi lab, one that has unearthed and begun experimenting with the journal of one Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The scientists have used the legendary Frankenstein's work to assemble an army of super-soldiers stitched together from the body parts of their fallen comrades -- a desperate Hitler's last ghastly ploy to escape defeat Anyways, in this lab, a whacked-out doctor/scientist, whatever he is, creates really bizarre soldiers out of anything and everything for the war effort. The script, acting, scenery, editing, etc. all are basically terrible. I still am unsure if this was emulating a comedy, or was attempting to be serious. It did have a sort of Troma feel to it, which I very much respect, but it didn't hit the humor level to fall into that category. The gore is there for the fans, and some is actually done well enough to make ya cringe. It was just a bit too few and far between for my tastes. Overall, even with a low score, the creations alone are worth seeing even if the movie without them would be horrendous. Enjoy at your own discretion, completely up to you. I have a feeling I might go back for a rewatch on this one as well.

This one has some freebies and paid streamers to check it out on.

#horror #jackmeatsflix #IMDB
