Justin Whippo

Feb 9, 20211 min

The Hidden II (1993)

My quick rating - 3,1/10. The first Hidden from 1987 was very good. If you haven't seen it, do so. It has a campy feeling to it in not taking itself seriously in the slightest. This movie follows the same story, sort of. Problem is all the good that the first had is blown off. The first 10 minutes of this one is directly the last 10 minutes of the first in an attempt to draw you back in. Well, then it becomes a mess of attempts to capture the heavy metal love jokes, the host human body being overly aggressive for what he/she is on the outside, basically everything the original had in creativity is just lost. Even a fan such as myself is not going to get anything out of this. Even having Kate Hodge (costar in Rapid Fire with Brandon Lee) whom I am a huge fan of (because of that role) couldn't save this one.

