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Aftermath (2014)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

My quick rating - 4,6/10. Now let me review the movie I did just watch (read below for the confusion LOL). Searching for a happy ending to a tale of unimaginable disaster and horror, nine strangers find themselves holed up together in a farmhouse cellar in rural Texas. The United States has hastily become embroiled in World War 3. A young doctor named Hunter (C.J. Thomason) survives the nuclear attack and is thrown together by coincidence with a group of wounded and frightened victims, including Elizabeth (Monica Keena), a strong-willed confidant to Hunter, Brad (Edward Furlong) - an antagonistic redneck jackass, and Jennifer (Jessie Rusu), a barely coherent young woman suffering from severe post-traumatic stress. Together, they attempt to endure the devastating holocaust as they struggle with claustrophobia and conflicting personalities. In a makeshift shelter, Hunter and his dying companions wait for news from the government while fending off hunger, radiation sickness, and a horde of frightened and dying refugees. I liked how the movie leads into the events as you just find out that several countries have begun dropping nuclear bombs upon each other but doesn't give you the pretext as to why this is happening. That little bit of mystery did give it some originality instead of the normal "Blame the insert country here" routine. After the survivors are together, the cast actually clicks quite well in their roles considering this is far more drama than zombie flick. The trailer may be a bit misleading, since that is not what this movie is. This is more related to what those living around the ground zero environment have become. It isn't an uplifting flick in the slightest but it wasn't poorly made either. I just didn't connect with it as well as I am sure they would've liked. Some of the characters dialogue and reactions didn't work for me. But if you can find the proper one and are interested in the genre, you may want to take a look.

The cover did NOT look familiar at all but when I went to add this to my database, here are what notes I had input "My quick rating - 5.7/10. I may have rated the wrong movie. I have 5 with the same name" so I better check it out and see since IMDB has it at 3.7/10. That is because this cover is NOT the movie I just watched. So that 5.7/10 seems to be for something I did watch years ago that is NOT what I am about to review nor is it the poster I originally thought. Confusing enough? Not only me, in trying to figure it out, I found this and apparently Netflix aired the wrong flick as well. Yes, this user enjoyed the flick far more than I did but that is the beauty of having an opinion.

Here is a new set of streamers to check this one out on.



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