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Antebellum (2020)

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

My quick rating - 5,8/10. Are the commercials claiming "mind blowing" a bit much? Absolutely. But there is still a good movie hidden in here. I say hidden for a reason. The creators of this include a completely unnecessary out of order sequence that even after entire viewing takes a moment to piece into the story. Usually that is all good when done for a reason, but in this story, completely out of place. Anyway, without messing that part up, you basically have a woman activist played quite well by Janelle Monáe who is kidnapped and forced to take a trip back to the civil war and find out what life on the plantations was like. Or is it all just a crazy dream? Touching upon a pretty powerful subject, the movie does a good job capturing the feel without getting overboard in just how awful it truly was. Nice VOD evening flick that will keep you thinking after, but I have faith in you, you'll iron it out shortly after the credits roll.

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