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Assassin Club (2023)

Writer's picture: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: May 4, 2023

My quick rating - 4,8/10. I tend to jump at any flick with Noomi Rapace in it. She always plays the femme fatale role so well. Although in this one, she seemed to be practicing different accents for some reason. Henry Golding appears to be someone Hollywood is trying to push but I don't think action is going to be his niche. At least not in this flick. The setup is fine although you have seen it before. An assassin gets himself setup in a sort of game against all the other assassins that have worked for the rich guy, Sam Neill. Along the way there is the inevitable double crosses, changes of heart and alliances. The whole thing is so by the book as far as these types of flix go that if you even miss a few minutes and a twist occurs, I'll be willing to bet you won't skip a beat on where the plot is heading. The action is all over the board. I have no idea who to blame for the fight scenes and the headache inducing method of camera shot they use. The quick cuts are so overdone and unnecessary that it could make you nauseus. Aside form the hand to hand, the rest of the action scenes work just fine so I have no idea if maybe they were just handled by different people. Aside from the initial issue with Rapace and the mysterious accents, the acting is passable enough. Some of the decisions written into the story were asinine though which distracts from the momentum of the suspense at times. Overall it was just an average action thriller that I wouldn't suggest running out to find especially if you have to pay for it. You won't be all that upset but mediocre is just how it sounds.

Maybe this one isn't released? Nothing on Justwatch yet but I assume Paramount will be the place to check it out



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