My quick rating - 4,6/10. The 2 highlights of this movie are the gore and the little girl ( Hannah Strasser ) who hopefully moves on to bigger and better things. So in a stupid plot, this little girl is a being from another dimension that is pulled into the body of a scientists deceased daughter and is here to basically kill everyone and take over the Earth. As I said, pretty dumb, especially considering the key to this is all in an everyday lantern you can grab at a camping shop and through a few wires on it. That whole explanation comes later on in the flick but most of this is a family trying to survive until dawn in an RV that the inside clearly doesn't match the outside of. Aside from her, the rest of the acting is pretty subpar. Then again, it is a b-budget horror flick, so I suppose there is no reason to expect anymore or less. Very much passable if you run across it on cable late night but it won't be one you'll be returning to. There is definitely some promise here hidden behind the camera. I'll be curious to see if it ever plays out.
Await the Dawn (2020)
Updated: May 14, 2021