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Beaten To Death (2023)

Writer's picture: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

My quick rating - 5.5/10. All I saw was "Australian horror" and a "horrific assault" so I figured it would work for #Shocktober. It definitely didn't take this one very long to get the blood spewing during a violent beating which seems to be setting up the story. Jack (Thomas Roach) and his girlfriend seemed to have been assaulted which leaves her dead, him on the other end of that beating. But narrowly surviving and fighting his way out ends up being the least of his problems. This is our setup for torture that is pretty brutal and quite graphic so you have been warned. Writer/director Sam Curtain is purposely vague about what the two were doing out in the bush in the first place but it will give you a glimpse as to what it looks like. Specifically, this was shot in Tasmania in case you are curious. The camera work has a very distinct grindhouse-type look to it. Not the grainy effects but just that sort of feel to the production with the saturated shots and lower-grade equipment. I do like the way they are telling the story in different time segments so it doesn't just flow in order. It adds a bit of creativity to how and why things evolved the way they did. This is also why Curtain had to keep their reasons for visiting under wraps initially. I am being vague since I don't want to give away the simple plot that it does have since it would be a shame to take that away from your enjoyment. This is an example of why spoilers would be detrimental since it is effective with the minimal narrative it has going. I feel that although the story itself is more of a thriller, the sheer amount of copious brutality and bloodshed forces this one into horror territory. The amount of relentless abuse that one person takes is a sight to be seen and it isn't just for the shock value. Although I assume that was intentional to pull in additional viewers as well. I also would think it may be a cause for people to shy away from the flick entirely. Regardless of the carnage, the story itself is a well-told and suspenseful indie that will grab your attention all the way until the end.

Several streamers have this one including Amazon.

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