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Beware Children At Play (1989)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: May 31, 2023

My quick rating - 4,5/10. It really isn't a very good flick and doesn't even attempt to be. There is really only one really important scene that got this movie a ton of attention at the time. I won't spoil it but I will say that this flick is not shy about killing children on screen. The rest of the whole "kids rebel against the adults" part of this is poorly handled and quite stupid. Just teens supposedly go missing but in reality, are living in the forest as savages under some cult leader teaching them that adults are evil and need to be killed. There is no doubt that the writer Fred Scharkey had seen Children of the Corn or read the story it was based on and decided to toss in some more gratuitous violence aimed at kids for the shock value. The acting is laughable throughout this whole thing and the kids at times just couldn't be convinced that this was a movie and not a play date which does add some humor to it. I think for this to be seen now people would probably be in an uproar about what is done to the children. And that is what they wanted and I am sure is also the reason that Troma picked it up for distribution. This one is only going to be entertaining if you realize what you are in for and make sure to expect the worst. This isn't made by Troma so don't expect the bizarre humor and constant nudity and cartoon violence. This flick tries to make the shocks a bit more realistic on an absolute shoestring budget. These are all the reasons I still enjoyed it. You have been warned.

You can check it out on Amazon or for free on Tubi and Plex.



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