My quick rating - 5,1/10. I had completely forgot about this flick. Wonder if it stood the test of time. A slew of 80s horror popped on Radarr so why not check some of them out. It opened up with song by Lizzy Borden which I actually remembered straight away LOL. Althought the band playing it was covered in some really poor makeup not looking glam rock but more like some form of undead creature. This scene with the two teens on the streets plays out like it is going to break out into a musical at any second. A heavy metal band comes to town to practice before embarking on a major tour but the band has far more devilish plans. They are some form of demons that are going to take the "fans" over and transform them into their minions sent to kill the parents and possibly every other adult. The creature effects in this one are silly but at times quite fun as we remember days when CGI wasn't something every 12 year old was playing with at home. The practical monsters still have a unique look to them. How the band is possessing the teens in the audience by sounding like Bang Tango is beyond me but throw logistics out and play along and you may have a bit of fun. I mean, the singers name is Damien, so I am not sure what they were expecting. The timing of the was right around Tipper Gore and her PMRC crusade against metal music so I am sure that is a major underlying joke here. I know I wore my "F*%K TIpper Gore" shirt proudly to concerts often back then. The whole thing is goofy but has a certain element of fun to it. And you get to see Vincent Pastore before Sopranos fame swallowed up by a spider thing mutated out of a sound speaker LOL. If you are interested in the nostalgia and want a horror flick from the late 80s that wasn't a slasher, you may have a good time with this one. Just don't expect anything exceptional.
Black Roses (1988)
Updated: May 13, 2023