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Blood (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

My quick rating - 4,6/10. Well, Michelle Monaghan was great in this flick. Her son is bitten by the family dog and soon after, the kid realizes while in the hospital that he must drink fresh blood to survive. Why she ends up so good is how she plays out a single mother who will literally do whatever is necessary to keep her son alive and well. Monaghan is really the only point to watching this flick since it never gets exciting, never turns down a horror road with gore or action and it doesn't even satisfy any curiosity of what would you do in the same situation. That is because, throughout the whole film, every single decision made is just so stupid it boggles the mind. This isn't a spoiler but near the end, the daughter (also played to a tee by Skylar Morgan Jones) says "you did the right thing" which at no point during this flick will anyone ever think a correct decision was ever made. Couple poor choices with a story that just plods along with no intensity to speak of ends up with a less than satisfying feeling. That doesn't make this flick horrible since the acting is quite good, from top to bottom. Even Skeet Ulrich in a limited spot does well as the father who is just trying to look out for his kids. The entire flick has the production values to make it watchable but after all is said and done, you are left with a very mediocre story that doesn't even bother trying to explain the why to a dog bite turning the kid into a blood consumer. But like many of the decisions in this flick, that part is also left to your imagination so you won't know if we call him a vampire, or a zombie or just something else. I think the target audiences of mothers will find the whole thing quite disturbing though especially if you find yourself wondering what extents you will go to keep your child healthy.

All the streamers are renting this one for $6.99 including Amazon



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