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Cannibal Cabin (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

My quick rating - 2,6/10. I have to assume I am in for a winner!! At least the tagline is funny "You are what they eat" and again, "loosely based on true events." This is a good example of a flix trailer not only summing up the entire movie but overselling it as well. You can clearly see the budget restraints during that but you really get smacked in the face with their lack of funding watching it. Assuming they did something creative with it, money would make no difference but director Louisa Warren and crew pretty much skimped on all aspects. I won't comment on any of the actors by name since none of them stood out nor were they recognizable from anything previous. Suffice it to say they hit their acting marks dead on for a B-budget STV horror flick. The setup here is very standard as the group of friends wander off the beaten path and stumble upon a cabin in the woods which is always a great idea to stop at. Sure, they were slightly forced there but you have seen that drill before. A major problem with this film is that nothing happens for quite a long time. I wasn't taking notes but it had to be at least half the movie of stupid dialogue and poking around. I am not saying once it gets going things are that much better since it is a bit lame on the gore for sure and aside from an occasional jump scare, you won't get much tension. And I will point out that part of the ease of scares is the fact that the lighting in this is horrible so it cannot all be attributed to proper setup. At least they attempted to go out with some action toward the end the only problem is most people will not have the patience to get through Charley McDougall script to even get to that point. The pace is just so painfully slow with so little story to tell. Just another great tagline wasted on a pretty bad flick. It happens but at least you have been warned. As far as the true story goes, I couldn't find anything on that although I didn't look too hard.

Either this is good or it is way overpriced on all streamers including Amazon



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