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Crispy's Curse (2017)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

My quick rating - 2,8/10. This Christian death metal band is kind of amusing but I don't think their strange humor is going to save this one. The editing is awful to the point I am saying something about it. Just massive hard scene cuts at the wrong times. Along with that issue, the fact that the whole flick just seems like a bunch of scenes thrown together and never has a feel of a cohesive plot playing out also makes for a poor bit of time wasted, and at 105 minutes, that is a lot for a movie of this caliber. The idea is this Crispy clown is a ghost of the actual clown who is back for revenge against those that have wronged him. There may be some form of explanation as to why the metal band that is stranded in town cares at all about this murder spree going on and decides to join forces with some medium to try and catch him. If there was, I didn't catch hit most likely because it wasn't explained at all. I am sure it was buried in one of the many attempts at humor which all failed miserably from start to finish. Aside from the metal heads' music which was quite funny. This flick does decide to churn out a fair bit of gore and director John Williams has a decent eye for that touch. I think the story he wrote though just didn't give him as much to work on since The Slayers was definitely a better offering by him. The main focus of the movie and also the biggest annoyance for lack of a better word is Crispy. I have no idea what the character was shooting for between a drunk, or mentally challenged, or the worst comedian to walk the planet but every scene he pops up in is painful. Speaking of, Crispy just kind of appears where ever it is time for a murder scene, with no evidence of a point to it which is sort of fitting for this one. Not a very entertaining flick at all so the info on the next line is only for your own punishment. Certainly isn't the next Pennywise LOL.

Available on Amazon, Google and Youtube for $1.99.



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