My quick rating - 5.3/10. The 80s. When a Casio keyboard can be used to compose the entire musical score of any horror movie, and do so to create some actual atmosphere. This one is really more of a thriller but it really isn't too bad. If you are my age, the party scene will make you cringe lol. In this small town USA town (filmed wonderfully in New Zealand somehow) there are some local experiments being run on the kiddos from school. In a Twilight Zone kind of way, not some quick edited montage of what the kids are going through and how to rid their brains on the problem. The scale of these experiments is dragged until the end and throughout it does well making you wonder. But part of the downfall is that there just isn't enough going on to really keep your attention. As I stated, TZ and their episodes were 30 minutes. This would have been well suited to that, or close to it. If you take the time though, and appreciate it for what it was, you'll be mildly surprised. Glad it popped up and I'll be adding to the collection.
Dead Kids aka Strange Behavior (1981)
Updated: Jan 28