My quick rating - 6,8/10. By far the best film of the After Dark film festival from 2007 (if you don't know what that is, look it up!) Anyway, the plot was excitingly original. You are hunted and killed every day and wake up in a new life. Sound confusing? At first it will be as you have to figure out why you are so important and who is that woman that keeps appearing. The story is woven extremely well and the journey is by far better than the destination. This is one of the few times that I'll stand with my score even though I felt a bit cheated by the finale. The rest of the flick was that good. I won't go any further into the story itself since the mystery is a huge part of the fun. Mike Vogel (Ian) did a good job of selling each difference he deals with daily. The camera work is far ahead of your usual b-budget type production work. Speaking of, there wasn't much need for effects here but there is some very nice CGI in this one which is kind of unexpected. If you want an unknown horror flick that delivers, here it is. IMDB 5.5 I guess IMDB users were smoking something when they saw this LOL.
Normal staples for streaming all have it at $3.99 including Amazon.