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Detective Knight: Rogue (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

My quick rating - 3,9/10. I accidentally put the second one on first (Redemption) but I had this one handy so may as well keep them in order. Turns out this one takes place on Halloween. Oops, I didn't know to save it for then. Doubt a heist flick really needs to get preferential horror flix treatment for my favorite holiday anyways. I have to say, this one is a slight step up from the recent Bruce Willis movies but this is completely not his fault. The idea itself of a trilogy for an aging detective who is more of the old school type of cop that will break the rules to get results is just fine. And a decade sooner would've been a perfect role for him. Still, he does a decent job for a slightly limited screen presence due to Edward Drake as director finally figuring out how to feature Willis without dogging the rest of the flick. I think it may have taken a few times to realize the right balance needed and there is light coming in this tunnel of casting. The story is pretty cut and dry here as the police are on the trail of the criminals after a bank heist but after Knights partner is shot apprehending them, they must follow the crew across country to try and wrap up the case. But in typical movie fashion, there is corruption, double crosses, and the usual other distractions. One big distraction is trying to believe a whiny, washed up jock as our villain. The action is decent enough and for the most part, stays within realism instead of the thousand bullets, no one hit, or never our hero type thing. I wouldn't typically be sticking with this but it is Bruce Willis, I already have the second and may as well make it through the trilogy. I am only recommending to big fans of his and if you do stick it out, he does end this one up with a near McClane worthy quote.



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