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Die Hart: The Movie (2023)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

My quick rating - 5,0/10. I never did check out the TV show on Roku so I am going solely off of this flick which I guess is the episodes edited into movie form. Seems the latest trend for stars is to make a parody of themselves. There are far better examples of this happening lately after JCVD got the whole idea started. This flick follows Kevin Hart's fictionalized journey to become an action movie star. The film revolves around his enrollment in a school run by Ron Wilcox (John Travolta), where he tries to learn the ins and outs of becoming an action hero. While the premise of the movie is interesting, the execution falls flat. The humor, which is Hart's forte, is present but fails to land in most scenes. The action sequences lack the required punch and feel half-baked, which is quite disappointing for a movie that's supposed to be an action-comedy. The performances are mediocre, with Kevin Hart doing his best to carry the movie, but unfortunately, even his screen presence couldn't make up for the weak script. The supporting cast does an okay job, but aside from Jean Reno, they are mostly forgettable. The pacing of the movie is also off, and some scenes feel unnecessary and stretched out, while others seem rushed and underdeveloped. The plot is predictable, and there are no real surprises or twists to keep the audience engaged. In conclusion, I just found this one to be a mediocre movie that fails to deliver on its promises. While it has its moments of humor and action, it's not enough to save it from being a forgettable film. I would only recommend it if you're a die-hard Kevin Hart fan or if you're looking for a mindless, time-passing movie while working (worked for me).

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