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Don't Look Up (2021)

My quick rating - 7,3/10. Read some good things about this one. And they were all correct. I really enjoyed not only the casting of this film, but also how well they interacted with each other. Not sure if it was solely acting talent or great writing for the characters but whatever the case may be, it really worked well. The humor in this is very dark but in such a matter of fact wat there there is very little about it that is unbelievable. A couple of astronomers (Lawrence and DiCaprio) discover a comet that is on a collision course with Earth and will be of planet destruction level. In immediate danger they do what I would assume you are supposed to do, tell the government. Instead of getting a drama or a group of oil drillers to land on it and blow it up (yes, I really did like Armageddon but I can still make fun of it) they are taken on a media whirlwind to inform the public of the danger in the most asinine of ways. At no point are they taken seriously and instead are subjected to ridicule at times and ignored. The whole plot is rather simplistic it is just the performances from top to bottom that stand out. Just look at the cast and assume they pegged their character spot on. I could waste my whole short review on each one at a time but there is no point. If somehow they captivated with a bit more engaging plotline somehow, it could've been flawless. I will make one side note that I doubt anyone will know what I mean. There is a rather unknown movie called Miracle Mile from 1988 that this completely reminded me of. It isn't the wonderful political satire that this movie is, but I have to think that Adam McKay may have also seen that one when coming up with this. Check them both out regardless, links will assist you in that.

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