My quick rating - 4.4/10. Oh goodie, another handi-cam flick. Ryan McCoy not only is by far the most annoying character in this flick but we can blame him for the extended lengths of absolutely nothing going on. Just the usual setup of campers head into the woods and something happens. The typical jump scares for found footage are present, don't show anything, and then loud ass banging. One of the only types of flix that can get away with just a black screen or complete shaking around nonsense focusing on nothing and getting away with doing it. So if you enjoy watching what your 3-year-old captures when you hand him/her a video camera unsupervised, you are in luck. So 45 minutes in until something actually happens. Lots of screaming girls (well 2 of them) and running. But one of the 4 of them is dead (Brett as if that matters) and we are back to the age-old issue with these movies. Why is it so damn important to keep filming when your life is in danger? Especially when it appears like you are running from zombies and grizzly bear-looking things with glowing eyes. But we have a twist here since it seems they have happened upon some "restricted area" in these woods. There is a lot of weird duplicate frame shots and fraying of film-type effects which apparently these idiots don't realize won't happen on a digital camera. These constant filter effects they are obsessed with make the shakiness even harder to get used to when trying to figure out what is going on. Definitely more ambitious than the typical FF crap although the narrative itself doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Some ideas all mashed together in hopes you can piece together your own story is the best way to explain it. You will have to watch through the entire credits to get a little more insight as to what they were getting at in the movie. Still a mess but hey, I'll give them credit for going outside the box. Just wish they got a handle on their own story and stopped with the stupid effects, the mayhem with the camera was entirely enough.
A few streamers have this one if you are interested.