My quick rating - 5,5/10. This is a really rough one. I am completely biased, and have been ever since I saw this unknown in "Pitch Black" and immediately had to check out the next Vin Diesel flick known as "The Fast and the Furious" Well, 20 years and billions of dollars later, this has gone from street racing to, in this movie, complete and utter nonsense. The plot is merely a vehicle to get to the next action sequence, which even today has some suspect CGI, to make you question everything you learned in junior high. Here we inject a new villain, Vin Diesels long lost brother John Cena in an extremely forced story of why they are foes. Brushing that aside is the hole point of the movie. Not the fact the family has gone from the street to a brilliant move in production to make it about money heists to keep the story fresh and the characters something logical to do. Now apparently they are above robbing billions and are the crew to call when no one can get the job done. I have checked my brain at the door around the 5th movie, so hopefully you have as well. The casting is still extremely perfect and continue to attract new actors as well so they surely have that part nailed. Well, minus the fact the poster below shows one character that doesn't even appear in the movie, and another that is part of an end credit scene but I digress. The whole saga can continually be summed up by Roman (Tyrese Gibson) who points out the absurdity of everything they have accomplished and how for some unknown reason, no one dies. He even goes so far as getting in a gunfight with dozens of militants and walks away unscratched. Sure, it is nice to see the movie making fun of itself so blatantly, and I respect them for doing so but I am hoping they can bring it back down to Earth for the next couple that are already lined up. (Yes, they end up in space in this friggin' movie). There is no issue with anyone seeing this movie and dropping some seriously lower numbers. Far too many scenes are just so stupid it is truly unbelievable but if you don't know that it is coming, you also have been living in a cave. Know what you are getting into and you will still have a good time. You have been warned.
F9: The Fast Saga
Updated: Aug 2, 2021