My quick rating - 6,2/10. I am actually a bigger fan of these flix than I have been of Harry Potter for some reason. I felt this one lost a bit of the creature fun that set the first couple apart from the whole wizardry lore of the Potter films. This time, I felt as though they leaned into more of that with more spellcasting and magic wands and not as much suitcase filled with mythical animals. What was lost there to me as a viewer they did make up for with a good story of stopping the evil Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen) from ruling the magic world through his own methods of deceit. Along the way, the title character played by Jude Law is well cast along with the rest to fight against him. As expected, the effects look tremendous at times. But again, with all the magic wand spellcasting, I got tired of the zapping lightning from their sticks rather quickly. Still, with that personal gripe aside, I enjoyed this one and I cannot see any fans of the others being more disappointed than my piddly complaint. You may actually even like it better for the exact same reason, especially bigger Potter fans. Returning characters were all in tow to solidify the trilogy that clearly has more steam going. Might have been a bit heavy on the political plotline at times though. I guess the long and short is, to check this one out for yourself. Easy enough by clicking the poster below.
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