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Flesh, TX (2009)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

My quick rating 1,7/10. Sometimes just the title of a movie alone should clue you in to how bad it is going to be. In this case, it allured me in to see just how bad it would be. Yes, I am a glutton for bad movie punishment. Yes, occasionally B-budget flicks will amuse, gore out, and might have a shining star in the making but guess what, this movie has none of these things. And don't let the name Joe Estevez fool you. He must've lost a a night of poker to owe someone this favor. Simple plot, stop in the wrong town and run across a lunatic family that kills and eats people. OK, lots of room to make this good, right? Well, it isn't. The acting in this movie is possibly some of the worst around, almost like they were trying to act poorly. If this were true, then this group deserves the award. Mix that into a stupid story with potential to be silly, or gross and you come up with nothing? That isn't the only drawback though. I am unsure if the film makers allowed their 3 year old children to do the sound and video editing, but it is almost laughable at how bad it was. Clear echoes from multiple mics being used in scenes, cuts to the completely wrong sound effect for what was occurring. At times, it sounded like a different person was speaking then the character (in a dubbed movie type way). I really can't stress enough how poor this was and up until the end when a funny line was said that made me laugh (the highlight of the movie, btw) was "A female dog" Not a spoiler at all, just the phrase earned this movie out of 1 stardom. Yes, I am a positive person and find the good as best as I can. Don't be so kind and abuse your senses with this one, at all.

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