My quick rating - 4.0/10. I am fairly certain they weren't sure what direction they wanted to go with this movie so during filming they just kept switching it up. A family visit turns deadly when a psychotic killer, hiding behind an unusual tradition, shows up with one target in mind. It attempts to venture into the realm of suspense and horror as a seemingly innocent family visit takes a chilling turn when a psychotic killer arrives with a deadly agenda hidden behind an unconventional tradition. The idea sounded promising for an entertaining thriller, but execution fell short due to a muddled and disjointed plot. As I mentioned at the outset, it's evident that the flick struggles to find its footing, seemingly unsure of the direction it wants to take. The film veers between different tones and themes, leaving you disoriented and disconnected from the story. What begins as a potentially intriguing setup quickly descends into confusion as it fails to establish a coherent path forward. Despite the best efforts of the cast, including Keeya King, the performances are undermined by the erratic storytelling. Moments of tension and suspense are overshadowed by the overall lack of cohesion, making it difficult for you to give a crap about the characters or their plight. The result is a film that feels like a missed opportunity, failing to capitalize on its intriguing premise. I found myself guessing the identity of the killer but confused by the intentions of the filmmakers themselves. In the end, the flick leaves you with more questions than answers, making it a forgettable entry in the genre. I know I focused on the negative when in reality, I have seen a LOT worse than this so don't be totally discouraged.
The poster lets you know this one is another TubiTV original for your viewing needs.