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Incest Death Squad (2009)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

My quick rating - 3.3/10. I don't have high hopes for this one but I am sure the highlight has already occurred with Lloyd Kaufman doing an intro for the remastered DVD release. I see he is also in this flick playing Mr. Reemburg. I am not sure if this is good news or not, but I have parts 2 and 3 of the trilogy as well. "You think she is a lesbian" has to be some sort of inside joke since it has already been asked for no apparent reason twice in 20 minutes. The movie takes place near my old stomping grounds since they have mentioned Schaumburg a couple of times. Turns out they filmed this one just over the border in Baraboo, Wisconsin. Considering Andrea (Melissa Jo Murphy) is from Waukesha, that does make sense. She happens to be the owner of the local motel and apparently is a key character since she is in all 3 of these flix. So the story is quite simple, a brother and sister duo are targeting tourists (which I doubt Barbaoo gets much of) from Illinois to "cleanse." Being a Troma-distributed flick, you know that cleansing actually stands for murdering. Amber (Carmela Wiese) does all the seducing with some terrible acting and brings the victims up to the barn. This is where the incestuous duo eradicates the sinners and then fornicates when Amber gets too wet. It is clear that Cory Udler thought the incest suggestion was really going to sell the shock value. I found it led to the dark humor working a bit more than any sense of awe of their sexual relations. Also for this type of production, the death scenes are very tame with little to no gore to speak of. The only blood that was even utilized to any extent was again for that shock value when the siblings had sex for the first time. There is another love story brewing within the psychotic family butchering which involves the reporter played by Tom Lodewyck who gets welcomed into the fold when Amber confesses her love for him. But Aaron (Lodewyck) has already fallen for Andrea and I don't know why I am explaining this silliness. For what is presented, it misses the mark by most standards I have grown accustomed to. Aside from how convincing Wiese is playing Amber the religious nutjob sister, the rest of the cast is quite bland. They did manage to make sure you got to see the girls topless a couple of times, so it does have that going for it LOL. But there are much better flix out there with similar storylines and better Troma films, in general, to check out. With that being said, I am certain I will be investing time into the other 2 at some point since I can see where the story is going from the ending (or so I believe.)

Apparently, you won't be finding this one anywhere, not even on TROMA.



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