My quick rating - 6.8/10. This is a very good movie that becomes excellent when you realize it is a tame version of a true story. Daniel Radcliffe plays Yossi who along with a group of friends joins a guide for a trek into the Bolivian jungle, searching for an Indian village. The men soon realize that the jungle is a difficult place to be. And that is my understatement of the day. Radcliffe does a phenomenal job acting in this one and his transformation physically brings a certain believability to the ordeal that he is subject to. This is one of those times where the true story far exceeds the fiction so I would suggest clicking that Wikipedia link or reading any of the numerous true accounts the extraordinary Ghinsberg has written. As far as this movie goes, it looks wonderful with the locations selected. The sites they used in Australia and Bolivia looked convincing and still were lavish and endless enough to fit the narrative. I'll keep it brief since I urge you to dig a little into the actual events possibly before viewing this one to truly appreciate it on the grand scale.
Jungle (2017)
Updated: Jun 13, 2024