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Last Sentinel (2023)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

My quick rating - 5,2/10. Well, this is a slow burn taking viewers on a tense and introspective journey set in a war-torn future Earth. Directed by up-and-coming filmmaker Tanel Toom this thriller explores the psychological toll of war on a group of soldiers stationed at Sentinel, a remote military base situated in the midst of a vast and turbulent ocean that serves as a dividing line between two warring continents.

The film opens with four exhausted soldiers who, despite their tour of duty ending three months ago, find themselves stranded at Sentinel as the relief crew fails to arrive. As the weeks stretch into months, a palpable sense of paranoia and isolation begins to infiltrate the base, pushing the soldiers' relationships to their breaking points.

One of its notable strengths is its ability to create and sustain an atmosphere of tension and unease throughout. The slow pace of the film contributes to this sense of foreboding, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the soldiers' deteriorating mental states. The use of the remote military base as a backdrop adds to the isolation and claustrophobia, amplifying the characters' psychological struggles.

The performances in the film are exceptional led by Kate Bosworth, with each actor delivering nuanced and believable portrayals of soldiers on the brink of unraveling. Their performances capture the complexities of their character's emotions, from simmering resentment to crippling fear, as they confront the reality of their situation. The chemistry among the cast members is also commendable, as they navigate the shifting dynamics and tensions within their group. While excelling in its exploration of the psychological toll of war, it may not appeal to those seeking fast-paced action or a conventional plot structure. The film deliberately eschews explosive set pieces in favor of character-driven storytelling. Some viewers might find the deliberate pacing and lack of major plot developments a challenge, particularly if they are expecting a more traditional war film. Unfortunately, I was too often just hoping something would happen since the lack of advancement led to times of too much dialogue that didn't seem to get anywhere. They also seemed to loom over some inevitable doomsday weapon a bit too often over each other's heads. However, for those who appreciate thought-provoking narratives and exploring human nature under extreme circumstances, this flick offers a captivating and haunting experience. It just seemed riddled with poor decisions that didn't fit in with the realism of the rest of the story. It is a meditation on the fragility of the human mind and the bonds that both unite and divide us. The film's slow-burn approach allows for moments of introspection and contemplation, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. While it may not be for everyone, those who appreciate character-driven storytelling will find themselves captivated by this thought-provoking journey.

Most streamers have this one for $4 including Amazon.



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