My quick rating - 3,4/10. Let's see if I can make it 3 horror flix in a row that get deleted lol. "Marry Fuck Kill" attempts to combine the elements of a psychological thriller and a demonic possession flick, but unfortunately falls short of delivering a compelling and coherent story. While the initial premise caught my attention having an innocent game turning into something sinister, the execution ultimately fails to capitalize on this intriguing concept. The film follows five estranged friends who gather for their friend's funeral after her abrupt suicide. This leads to reminiscing about them playing "Marry Fuck Kill," which involves choosing three people and deciding whom they would marry, have a one-night stand with, or kill. This is more or less a side point to come up with the movie's name however, not the focal point since the demon here is released during a ritual performed for the suicide. One of the main issues I have is its lack of originality. The concept of a seemingly innocent game turning dark and leading to demonic possession has been explored countless times before in the horror genre. The film fails to bring anything new to the table, relying on tired tropes and predictable plot twists. It becomes apparent early on that the characters are merely pawns in a larger supernatural scheme, and their actions and decisions feel forced and artificial. I don't see how else you explain a couple who are waiting for marriage to have sex, then the boyfriend turns around and invites her to have an orgy. The whole meaningless sex portion of the flick actually does end up having a point though. It just takes a while for the writers (Ian Carpenter & Aaron Martin) to explain their whole idea. Furthermore, the pacing of the film feels uneven and disjointed. The first act sets up the characters and their relationships, but it takes too long to establish a sense of impending doom. Once the supernatural elements come into play, the narrative becomes convoluted and confusing, leaving the audience struggling to make sense of the unfolding events. The film also suffers from a lack of character development, as the friends are one-dimensional and fail to elicit any emotional investment from the viewer.
The performances in this flick are adequate, considering the limitations of the script. The cast does their best with the material given, but they are unable to elevate the film beyond its shortcomings. I admit they did try quite hard in tying the whole thing together towards the end so even if it did fall flat, I give a little bit of credit for trying to salvage the whole thing. Unless you are a die-hard fan of demonic possession flix and don't mind repetitive tropes, it's advisable to skip this one and explore other, more engaging options in the genre.
Well, Tubi is the only place to catch this one but at least it is free.