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Meatball Machine Kodoku (2017)

Writer's picture: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

My quick rating - 6,6/10. Ok, this movie is insane. Read the review and you will either be running out to find it or you will know damn well you have ZERO interest in it. You will have to appreciate Japanese flicks to get anything out of this. Let me try to explain. Aliens drop in on our planet, and these parasitic creatures attach to the head of a human and assimilate themselves with the body turning anything it touches into a part of the creature created. This is shown in very graphic detail, not in a make-you-sick way, but more like a comic book out-of-control way. The sheer amount of blood flying around in this movie is incredible. The battle scenes are limbs and blood flying all around not slowing down for a moment to let you get prepared for what is next. So not only do you see the transformations of the outside of the body, but the humor details of the inside of the person's head are also shown and are quite amusing. So why do the aliens want to transform humans into strange robotic-like creatures, or "necro-borgs"? To get into a bunch of one on one fights with each other, to the death of course. And in this battle to the death, the winner gets to pull out the losing dead parasite and, I swear I am not making this up, snort the gases from it which is basically like cocaine (or input your drug choice here) which drives you into a frenzy. Now, if you have taken that all in, there is an actual plot. The main character Yuji Kodoku is partially taken over by an alien, but cancer in his body kills the parasite before it can complete the takeover, so now he is part necro-borg, part human and all he wants to do is save his girl he has a crush on, Kaoru. Ok, there is more, so when Kaoru is taken by one of the evil aliens, he must find and rescue her. So she is whisking across town, TOPLESS, since she decided to use her top to guide the necro-borg to her savior, church (always religion to kill you). Don't worry, the first 30 minutes, before they even start the movie, show all the human interaction and develop the characters. As soon as the movie title drops in front of the screen, the next hour straight is constant carnage. Now I cannot give away more to the plot, but I swear that there is actually a completely hidden ulterior motive to the alien takeover and why they are doing this. And it is given to you in the last moments of the film. There is no way you will see this coming but throw out your wildest guesses since that IS why this movie is WILD. This is for sure a love-it-or-hate-it type of movie, and I loved it. Horror or scifi, I went with horror due to the amount of gore. I also haven't been able to get my hands on the first one, YET.

Good news, you can find this streaming free or rent on Amazon among other others.

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