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Midnight Peepshow (2022)

My quick rating - 3.9/10. This flick does offer a tantalizing glimpse into the dark recesses of human desire, weaving together an anthology of twisted tales that captivate and unsettle but the quality progresses upward starting pretty low. At the heart of the film is an unnamed madame who operates a unique peep show, catering to her customers' deepest desires, fears, and sins. As the night unfolds, we are introduced to a businessman with a connection to an extreme fantasy website, setting the stage for a series of chilling vignettes that explore the consequences of indulging in the darkest aspects of human nature. One of the film's strengths lies in its creative approach to anthology storytelling, using the peep show as a framing device to introduce three interconnected stories. From a woman who pays her lover to fake a home invasion in "Personal Space" to a deadly game of "Fuck Marry Kill" and a sinister encounter with the enigmatic "Black Rabbit", each tale delves into the complexities of desire and the lengths people will go to fulfill their darkest fantasies. Of the three stories, "The Black Rabbit" emerges as the standout, intricately tied to the film's wrap-around narrative and delivering a potent blend of horror and psychological suspense. Its haunting imagery and atmospheric tension may be the only short that leaves a lasting impression on you. Some of this one may not be for the faint of heart, but it offers a unique anthology experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling. With its budget-limited visuals, adequate performances, and thought-provoking themes, this is one midnight attraction that horror aficionados would be the only ones I recommend this one too. Especially if you won't have the patience to stick it out through the first two lackluster stories.

You can check this one out on these streamers.

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