My quick rating - 5,6/10. Another on the list to check out. Click the poster below to grab a UHD copy of it as well for yourself. I steered away from the negative press on this one and am somewhat glad I did. Not like I wouldn't have seen it anyways, but it surely wasn't as bad as people said. I am fairly sure the "in" thing to do is bash Jared Leto which is where it comes from. Anyways, I will admit that I did not read this comic before so no comparing but I had an idea of what it was about. Basically, Leto plays someone afflicted with a rare blood disease that spends his life growing up to become a doctor in hopes to develop a cure for himself and his lifelong friend of this condition. The lead-up to all of this is well done and gives you enough of a reason to keep checking it out. To be honest, this movie is actually quite good until the last 15 minutes or so, and then it goes quickly downhill. Before I get to the negative though, as our good doctor intends to come up with this vaccine he accidentally turns himself into a form of a vampire. But with the debilitating disease cured comes an unexpected side effect. The need for blood and seemingly human works best. As he attempts to find a cure for his now new state, his buddy decides to pay little attention to the warnings of Morbius and believes the risks outweigh the benefits and "infects" himself as well. The built-in bad guy necessary for a superhero movie played out fine and Matt Smith does a nice job here (even with the most generic name going for him) far more embracing his powers while Morbius tries to get rid of them. There are some good scenes that do stick out early on due to some creative camerawork and storyline aspects, but this all goes down the toilet towards the end. All of the good development and good vs evil that is going on then just turns into all-out effects show that loses all sensibility leading up to its finish. Too bad since they clearly have some big plans going forward with his character and I had no issues with how Leto played it. This is evident with the billing Michael Keaton has in the cast since he is only part of the credits scenes. I won't spoil them since they are quite intriguing in relation to everything that is going on in the Marvel Universe right now. Blade and Morbius roaming around in phase 4? Seems inevitable.
Morbius (2022)
Updated: May 31, 2022