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Night Of The Axe (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

My quick rating - 3,6/10. Needed a short flick so this fits at 61 minutes. Also it didn't take long to see this is a quick b-budget slasher flick. A group of horrible actors, I mean, old friends, decide to get together for a reunion of sorts since they basically all live in the same town. But when some coworker is invited along for the ride, an escaped asylum inmate happens upon the group and the fun immediately begins. I use the term fun quite loosely since the budget is very low and the story is actually more shallow than my description. I give the makers of this one credit because that is where they clearly had fun. There was no messing around with trying to make anything but some entertainment for their buddies and when they liked it, they decided to find a publisher (or however this crap gets distributed these days.) The body count piles up in some fairly weak kills over and over but I'll give credit where it is due. They put some effort in trying to give the blood flow some attention. There are some laughs sprinkled in, most notably during their initial meeting up when they are playing games. Being able to appreciate this as a passion project for these clear friends isn't going to make the movie any better though. The limitations of everything you need for a solid indie flick are missing and since there is no effort in trying to be anything but a good time had by the group, I can't say you should bother with this one. That poster may easily be the highlight of the whole thing.

Doesn't appear like there is a clear path to streaming this one, which is probably a good thing.



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