My quick rating - 5,5/10. Surprisingly good b-budget scifi flick. The body swapping alien story has been done countless times before but this movie carves its way in by just sticking with the story and not worrying about effects or kills to keep your attention. The movie starts out very similar to a favorite of mine, "The Hidden" The main charachter in this one is even named Cooper, which was Kyle MacLachlans character name on Twin Peaks after playing the FBI agent in "The Hidden" Maybe that was coincidence, I don't know. So in this flick there are 3 body jumping aliens to be hunt down and they just transfer bodies via touch. Our cop in pursuit this time is from a secret gov't agency from the 50s tasked to keep the aliens in check played quite well by Blake Boyd. The explanation of this whole thing is actually pretty well thought out and integrated nicely with the whole Roswell thing. The pace is just a steady walk through the 92 minutes and keeps your attention well. I would think with a bit more of a budget and story added to the basic idea, this could've been a home run but as it is, the budget to viewing ratio is quite nice and well worth a look especially for sci fi fans.
Out of Time (2021)
Updated: Aug 11, 2021