My quick rating - 6.5/10. Definitely a Cronenberg vision of a flick. Not as surreal as some of his father's work but still has that visual flair you would expect. The story follows a woman who is a "possessor" which is someone who through a brain implant, and fuses with some form of technology, can take over someone else's body in this case, can be used to commit various assassinations. The process involves more or less having two minds inhabiting the same body at the same time. It wouldn't be much of a flick if things went smoothly with such a confusing process such as this. The violence that does occur is bloody, to say the least but used in a style that is more about the colors and to paint the picture of what is going on than to overly gross you out. It isn't a masterpiece by any stretch as the whole concept could have used more explanation and exploration, but for a second full-length go, it certainly is impressive. Anchored by some good performances to keep the story moving along, I just can't help but think there was more that could have been done.
Possessor (2020)
Updated: Jan 3