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Prey (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: May 31, 2023

My quick rating - 6,9/10. Finally, another Predator flick so let's see where this interesting idea takes it. I wouldn't have expected a prequel showing us the predator arriving in the 1700s to go to war with tribal Indians but that is what this straight-to Hulu project gives us. I have been looking forward to this since the rumor mill began a couple of years ago about it. And the good news is, I wasn't disappointed at all. In what sounded like a flaw in bringing back the predator in a technologically challenged time turned out to make it that much better to demonstrate the human will to live against odds they have no business surviving. The cast was near perfect in keeping the Native American feeling realistic since they didn't cast outside of their culture. In other words, they didn't whitewash it. The action looks excellent and is choreographed to a tee. There is also a great feeling of suspense that keeps mounting in the hunt allowing it to switch from who is the hunter and who is the prey. I was very impressed not only with a prequel that really brought me back to the feel of the original flick but also with every aspect of creating this world to drop the alien into. Little scenes showing the predator interacting with the creatures were nicely added to show the predator knowing only his singular goal on the planet, and that is to hunt the strongest being it can find. Doesn't matter what that happens to be. A very welcome addition to the entire predator universe that really deserves to be seen.



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