My quick rating - 6.0/10. When a peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of the tyrannical Regent Balisarius, they dispatch Kora (Sofia Boutella), a young woman with a mysterious past, to seek out warriors from neighboring planets to help them take a stand. Zack Snyder put together an all-star cast including Djimon Hounsou, to take part in his science fiction epic. After pitching the idea for this flick to Lucasfilm in 2012 and being shot down, Snyder had to wait until Netflix was ready to start throwing around nearly 100 million on their exclusive features before it got off the ground. I noticed that for the budget, the special effects are hit or miss at times. Some scenes do look spectacular while others are quite mundane. The action shots are well choreographed and are able to make a bad-ass out of Boutella which wasn't an easy feat to start with since she doesn't have the stature or demeanor of that part. I enjoyed the entire flick for the most part but I am sure expectations were set way too high by many and that may have caused some disappointment. I can see it being just a marginally better-than-average flick pissing people off while I was fine with it not rewriting the Star Wars mold with its new universe. After a well-made start, I look forward to seeing where this new piece of sci-fi lore will take us.
This one is a Netflix exclusive.
