My quick rating - 6,8/10. I hadn't seen something new from this funny man in a while so when this popped up, I had to check it out (yes I am nearly 4 years late). Good to see he is still getting completely bombed during his shows. You can literally watch him start this out fairly sober and by the end, you will seriously wonder if he is going to finish the joke off or potentially fall over. But he still has the jokes, that is for sure. This one is a bit rawer than the others recently so I wouldn't pop this one on for the family night. His stand-up has matured a bit and he didn't rehash too much old material so it stayed fresh. This is a comedian who will not be for everyone so proceed with caution.
Ron White: If You Quit Listening, I'll Shut Up (2018)
Updated: Jan 26, 2022