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Rot (2019)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jan 3

My quick rating - 3.9/10. The movie was going OK, a bit slow but building to something. Seems some form of virus, or the like manifests from who knows where and infects some guy. This is vague since not a single character was memorable. I can deal with build when it has a point, and even better when the plot has substance. This movie did NOT have either. But I was happy going through the motions, dropping down a 5 since at times I was interested, and have seen far worse, and then BAM. What in the world kind of stupidity did this movie turn into? I'll put it this way, and I guess it is a spoiler. A penis gets chopped off, grows to about 7 feet tall in a second, and attacks. Keep in mind this synopsis. "A grad student breaks up with her boyfriend to focus on her thesis, not realizing something has infected him and that he's going to wreak havoc on her life." Typically I am all for weird ass stuff such as this but not only did it not fit what was going on up until that point, but then the manner in which it occurs is just horrible. Nothing campy and fun, or gross out but sheer stupidity. I rest my case.

If you feel the need, Amazon and a few other streamers have it.

Rot (2019) #jackmeatsflix


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