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Shotgun Wedding (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

My quick rating - 5,2/10. Well, I will say it has a great cast. Jennifer Lopez (Darcy) is by far the star of the show. Her and Josh Duhamel (Tom) get their family to all meet up for a wedding extraordinaire on a remote tropical island. In true rom-com fashion, things aren't so easy and the entire wedding is taken hostage. Conveniently at the time of the infiltration, the bride and groom are elsewhere so the hunt for them begins the action. I use the term loosely though since this whole movie is so cookie cutter and by the book that you may not even bother watching the whole thing. The supporting cast by far keeps the monotony of the flick going though. Some decent humor is supplied by Jennifer Coolidge and Cheech Marin at all the right times to bring this one out of the dumps since the budget may have been there but the attempts at action were quite lame. I will point out that a surprisingly good performance was turned in by Lenny Kravitz (Sean) as the old flame of Darcy that crashes the wedding. People should take more notice and get him into a few more roles since he does have a good screen presence. Anyways, you'll get some very average entertainment from the whole thing that is completely all due to the cast of the movie since the story is stale and the action isn't well done. Not something I would go out of my way for unless you just want to see Lopez in her undies, which may have been the best scene of the whole movie.

Amazon prime is the only place for this one so either subscribe or rent if interested.



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