My quick rating - 3.4/10. I can see by the insane amount of background information they are telling that they really want us to take this one seriously. After watching this one, you can tell this whole thing is a vanity project for Nathan Faudree. The credits point that out but I hadn't looked until after to verify my theory. When Dr. Nathan Marsh (Faudree) awakens from a catatonic state in a mental institution, he must relive his last expedition by watching tapes from the site visit, only to discover he's unleashed an unstoppable horror. Inspired by Lovecraft with the mention of the Miskatonic University but it didn't seem to get the mythos quite right. Hardcore Lovecraft fans will be all over pointing out the issues here and probably far more than I would even notice. The camera work is pretty nauseating throughout the whole film which detracts from the weak plot. The story was just a jumbled mess and never caught onto any rhythm to explain the narrative. This wasn't aided at all by the poor use of found footage material which you all know I loathe. But I will still always give it a chance since there has been good use of it every now and then. Just not this time. I wanted to enjoy this one being a fan of H.P. Lovecraft but it just wasn't help together in any way that could capture my interest. Maybe if counterparts Tony Urban and Faudree could've spent more time on the story itself and less time winging the cameras around at break-neck speeds to hide the lack of special effects budget, they could've dreamt up a plot that Lovecraft would be proud of but instead it was a lot of cheap shaky camera with Cthulu mythos baked into it. Speaking of, the all powerful entity here just didn't come across as very ominous at all. Overall, it is just a bewildering experiment that may have had potential if the makers could've put a bit more effort into it. I tend to be very lenient with Lovecraft stuff since it is some out-there material and very few can ever seem to get it right. I read somewhere this is a "cosmic horror" film. Ehhh....
Site 13 (2023)
Updated: 5 hours ago