My quick rating - 2,8/10. I saw a trailer a while back and thought this one looked creepy. It is one of my least favorites, a found footage type flick, sorta. It is more just constant camera cuts showing different angles of footage. Sometimes these angles appear to be from the children's perspectives. Very "experimental" type of film style for a lack of a better way to put it. So far seems to be a massive test of the viewer's patience. I don't mind a slow burn especially since the strange way of visually capturing the story was something unique. However, for 100 minutes of so many shots of absolutely nothing that end up leading to nothing you will find yourself angry, not entertained. I had to check reviews after this one since I honestly couldn't believe this made the theaters and people are giving POSITIVE reviews? Some say shit like "If you don't like this film, you just don't understand it." Yes, pretentious fool, that is the problem. I understood it perfectly. There was literally nothing to it. Couple a non-existent plot with two children who are trapped in their home without parents (or doors anymore) and what could've been creepy turns out to be a waste of time. When the kids try to talk to clue you in on their predicament, the audio is so low and they insist on whispering so you cannot tell what they are saying. You better be able to turn those subtitles on or you won't even know about those doors and windows. This just seems like one of those flix that had some good marketing and banked on that since the movie sucks. If it wasn't for the interesting editing to show the lack of story, I would be rating it even lower. Don't waste your time.
Only info on where this is streaming is from AMC+ so I am not sure where this came from early.
