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Skinford: Death Sentence (2023)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

My quick rating - 4,3/10. New horror, about all I know. Quick look at my database tells me it is Australian and James Skinford (Joshua Brennan) plans to steal and flip a mystery truck to make some money and save his sick father, but his plans are thrown into chaos when he meets a woman with an immortal touch. It felt more like a movie just full of ideas and no real storyline going. My fiance was quick to point out that Charlotte Best, who is our damsel in no distress since she is immortal, was on Home & Away (her favorite show). Yes, there is actually a prime time soap opera on in Australia but that is another story. I will admit that the mix of comedy and shock value horror is nicely done. They aren't out to give you some torture porn but when they go violent, they definitely make sure you take notice. The method of telling the story though just didn't feel arranged properly. Not in a confusing way it just seemed like pieces tossed together. That didn't stop me from at least getting some entertainment out of the whole thing especially in the last half when it seemed the focus was better defined. The basic idea is Best is cursed with immortality and is trying to get rid of it and somehow Brennans little heist to make quick cash for his dying father has something to do with her. Even when it all comes together, it is still a bit vague yet for me, it worked fine. However the road to get there is plagued with pointless scenes and possible inside jokes that didn't work with me. Aussie horror in general tends to lack so it is good to see an interesting premise pop up that may have been underdeveloped but still entertaining.

Seems purchasing from Vudu is your only option right now. $10



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