My quick rating - 5.4/10. I will say I was pleasantly surprised with this festival flick. I won't go as far as the 9s and 10s on IMDB, but this indie film about a seductive demon woman who is taken in by a couple of dimwitted locals ended up being really funny. It certainly doesn't focus on the grim reality of what you are actually watching but more centers in on making it damn amusing. The center also involves seeing the woman (Jackie Kelly) completely naked, often (including a hilarious game scene, I can't spoil it for you). It did end up a bit of a letdown at the end, partially due to budget, and also with a real lack of wrapping the story up so to speak. Still worth watching if it happens across the VOD at some point (I think Plex free has it, or getting it since my assistant app chimed in).
Justwatch doesn't turn up anything for this one.