My quick rating - 3,5/10. Not a lot of "sharking" going on in a killer shark movie. "The Black Demon" attempts to ride the wave of killer shark movies, but unfortunately, it falls short in delivering the thrills and excitement that one would expect from the genre. Despite its promising premise of an idyllic family vacation turning into a nightmare due to a ferocious megalodon shark, the film fails to capitalize on its potential, resulting in a lackluster and forgettable experience. One of the major disappointments is the minimal presence of actual shark action. For a movie that markets itself as a killer shark film, the lack of intense and suspenseful "sharking" moments is baffling (I'll keep using that word out of context LOL). I was left waiting for the thrilling encounters with the megalodon, only to be met with prolonged periods of mundane dialogue and slow-paced scenes that do little to advance the plot. The characters, led by oilman Paul (Josh Lucas) and his family, are thinly developed and fail to evoke any emotional investment. Their plight of being stranded and under constant attack by the megalodon should have created tension and empathy, but the lack of character depth and poorly written dialogue hinder any connection. It becomes difficult to care about their survival when their actions and motivations feel shallow and unconvincing. Moreover, the film's attempt to explore the conflict between humans and nature falls flat. The Megalodon is portrayed as a relentless protector of its territory, yet the reasons behind its pursuit are poorly explained. The potential for a thought-provoking exploration of human intrusion into natural habitats is wasted, as the movie resorts to predictable and clichéd tropes. The cinematography and locations may be adequate, but they cannot compensate for the lack of a compelling story and engaging characters. With the lack of "sharking" moments, underdeveloped characters, and a missed opportunity to explore deeper themes, it falls short of creating a memorable and captivating experience. Fans of the genre might be better off revisiting more successful entries in the killer shark genre instead of diving into this forgettable endeavor.
This one is still streaming at a pretty high price so may want to wait for review. And seriously consider passing at that price, or any price for that matter, find it free.