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The Killer Robots! Crash And Burn (2016)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

My quick rating - 3,6/10. Looks crappy but a quick skim on IMDB mentions "campy" and "cult b-budget goodness" so I felt like I had to give it a shot. Pretty ambitious-looking homemade project with an interesting mix of effects. Geez, the one robot who constantly just gives the Hulk "HUURRAAARRGGGHHHH" the whole movie is really damn annoying. If you saw a 5-minute youtube video such as this, I would think you would be quite impressed by the creativity and visual prowess that Sam Gaffin shows. His name is prominent throughout all aspects of this one. That is also not a good thing since this is 101 minutes long and it has absolutely no coherent story to it. Couple this with horrid acting and voicework which doesn't help matters. It gets incredibly repetitive watching the same robots do the same stuff over and over. You get some cheesy explosions and animated running, then closeups of the actual actors within a CGI framework. As I said, nice to look at but without the other elements of a movie, it gets pretty boring. That said, I still am impressed with what this guy has pulled off. It may not be good as a film, but it is a showcase of determination and talent. Clearly more talent in some areas over others. My advice would be to trim it down to a workable 90-minute max assuming you develop the plot and pay a bit more attention to the voice editing since a lot of the dialogue is difficult to hear while the sound effects overpower them. Also, get in touch with someone who has a better sense of humor since the vast majority of the attempts at comedy here fall flat as can be. Including the silly ending which probably seemed hilarious. Must be an inside joke or just a lame attempt at a Bill & Ted reference. I will admit that the upcoming Robotica Destructiva is on my radarr because I see a lot of potential if the flaws can get resolved.

Plex and Tubi have it for free (direct links)



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