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The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre (2021)

Writer's picture: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

My quick rating - 4,7/10. This title screams #shocktober cheesiness. And I somehow forgot to finish this review. Well, this one slides in a bit late but still was far more satisfying than I was expecting. The mix didn't fare so well in Pro Wrestlers VS Zombies so I admittedly thought I would be seeing the same. Surprisingly the actors here were not rubbish and did tell the story of the aging wrestling stars, Stone (Chris Margetis) and Skull Manson (Mike Carey), and how they were trying to book one more money match to go out on. But when a severe storm locks everyone inside the event location, it becomes every person for themselves. This wouldn't be a huge issue if it were not for a zombie breakout caused by some tainted steroids going around. Yes, the jokes in this movie tend to be this blatant and in the face of all wrestling fans (such as me), which makes it even better. No beating around the bush about their jokes, such as Carlos learning he is partially Mexican. Good stuff. The other thing I was expecting to be subpar was the effects, and again, I was wrong. This isn't a Romero classic by any means, but the makeup and the gore are certainly above average. It did take a bit to get going and during that setup, sometimes the jokes did fall flat, but overall it was a fun little story that could've really shot up had it been refined. As it was I finished watching and was satisfied with what I saw. Certainly, this is a solid lean-to comedy and doesn't attempt to find space in the crowded horror section of zombie flix. The way it is set up with some family story about the infamous Manson brothers is actually a bit lame and kind of out of place here but ends up being the catalyst to set up the sequel that I hate to say I will be looking forward to. There are far worse ways to spend 92 minutes and at least this one doesn't try to play politically correct and just lets the script play out without any hidden agendas to it. Goofy comedy and zombie gore, period.

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