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The Octogames (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

My quick rating - 3,0/10. Oh just so pathetic on so many levels. Think of everything that made Squid Game a huge success, rip off the basic idea of competing in children's games to save your life, and throw all that creative and exceptional stuff in the garbage. Then you are left with this crap. The premise is fine with some wealthy online persona trying to make his last video to capture a fortune in likes? and then disappear. But the execution is so bad. Characters held captive and forced to compete have every chance possible to escape repeatedly and never take it. Or even try. Once the actual games started, I kept hoping they would do something unique with them but over and over I was let down by a complete lack of ideas and absolutely horrid effects. If you are going to blatantly rip something off like this, at least come up with something to set it apart. I suppose being terrible is completely different than the source material but I don't think that is the right idea. After the flick ended, I thought for sure I must've missed the "Asylum" name at the beginning and was going to see it during the credits. That is just how bad this one was. If it wasn't for the occasional laughing AT the film, it would probably score lower. At least the acting wasn't ridiculous and the cast did appear to have fun with this. Unfortunately, the audience isn't going to be sharing that sentiment.



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