My quick rating - 4,9/10. Yes, if Mr. Ayer is saying this is "great filmmaking" which is what I believe the quote was that I read, it isn't. Aside from not liking his arrogance going in, unbiased-wise, it also has some serious issues. The story follows a Latino guy in LA who seems to be a good guy and just has a job as a tax collector for the gangs. He more or less keeps the peace by collecting various money and this makes people happy? Maybe in gangland somehow this makes sense but they really don't get into the logistics of it, so you have to ride with it. Anyway, an old rival comes back and creates all sorts of problems. Everyone in this movie overacts to the point I thought MAYBE they all took acting lessons from Jim Carrey. The action is decent, but not over the top and a couple of scenes do have some nice camera work but the hand-to-hand falls into unwatchable range. Still, it does suffice as entertaining and just isn't something that will wow you, not even with the newfound quality of the Netflix action flix. On that level, it falls well short. Nice to see Shia LaBeouf doing something.
Amazon among a couple others are streaming this one for $2.99