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The Umbrella Academy: All (2024)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 4

My quick rating - 7.3/10. This show was, for much of its run, a standout in the crowded field of superhero content. Seasons 1-3 were incredibly entertaining, wildly inventive, and brimming with complex characters. It was a fresh, personal, and daringly unique take in a genre that often leans on formulaic storytelling. But Season 4—ouch. A rushed, confused finale that lost focus on what made the show so special. Let’s start with the good. The first three seasons brought something extraordinary to the table. The series’ core strength lay in its ability to dig deep into the personal and emotional lives of its heroes. Unlike many superhero stories that prioritize grandiose battles and world-saving exploits, "The Umbrella Academy" dared to make its characters' personal struggles, relationships, and traumas the main focus. The casting was spot on, with every actor bringing their A-game and forming a cast with undeniable chemistry. The series was also visually stunning. The cinematography during its action sequences was often breathtaking, with dynamic camera work that added excitement and creativity. Add to that the great use of music, with memorable needle drops that perfectly underscored key moments, and you had a show that didn’t just tell a story but created an immersive experience. The writing and directing in Seasons 1-3 were often sharp and insightful, delivering delightful twists and moments of emotional resonance. The series balanced humor, heartbreak, and action masterfully. Even the special effects, though slightly diminishing in quality over time, perhaps due to budget constraints, were largely impressive. But then came Season 4, and it’s hard to overstate how disappointing it was. The final season felt like a slap in the face after everything the first three seasons built. It rushed through storylines, leaving little room for the emotional depth and character development that once set the show apart. The story was muddled and confused, seemingly more concerned with tying up loose ends quickly than giving the characters or the audience the satisfying resolution they deserved. The show lost focus on what made it special, flying through its plot as though the creators just wanted to get it over with. Gone were the inventive storytelling, the character arcs, and emotional beats that had defined the series. Instead, we were left with a hasty and unpolished conclusion that didn’t live up to the show’s earlier greatness. Despite its disappointing ending, The Umbrella Academy remains a show worth watching, especially for its stellar first three seasons. I can’t help but feel I missed out by not reading the comics, as they might provide some of the depth and resolution the final season lacked. To explain my rating: Seasons 1-3 earn a solid 8/10 each for their creativity, heart, and craftsmanship. Season 4, however, stumbles to a 5/10, weighed down by its rushed pacing and lack of focus. It’s unfortunate that such an excellent series ended on such a sour note, but I’ll always remember the brilliance of its earlier seasons.

Netflix has all four seasons for you.

The Umbrella Academy: Season 4 (2024) #jackmeatsflix
The Umbrella Academy: Season 4 (2024)


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