My quick rating - 7,4/10. I really enjoyed the first one (REVIEW) so I am looking forward to this sequel (which is a prequel). Another event length flick at 173 minutes so plan accordingly. Only a half hour in and I can say the visual effects are top notch. This attack scene to start off with looked absolutely epic. I think I am going to rewatch the first after this one to really get a grasp of how they link since this is an astonishingly monumental plan they are partaking again and would directly impact the first flick. I was right, if you haven't seen them, watch them out of order. The first one completely explains how the earth engines come about and started this mission that is in progress at the start of the first movie. This is one of those times were the second flick surpasses the first one in almost every aspect. Aside from the initial premise, I cannot see how it doesn't. You are still going to be required to check your rational brain at the door to truly enjoy this one since we are again going to throw some really insane ideas at you to digest. One of those things is actually something that is very rare in movies, and that is the fact of instead of relying on a hero or group of heroes to save the world, we have to rely on humankind as a whole. Everyone rallies together to achieve a common goal of survival. I hate saying that is unbelievable but we all know it is the truth. Also going on is two separate teams of thought in how to handle the annihilation of the Earth. One is flying out of the solar system, and the other is the "Digital Life" initiative which is a lot like the show "Upload" but on a global scale of designing the tech to digitize a person to live forever. Granted without any form of world to reside in, virtual or not, you would be gone but that is a whole other story and something that you will have to wrestle with during this flick. These two factions of course strike at one another which causes the incredible opening revolt that is astounding. And that is just to get the movie going. Again the absolute attention to details are a sight to see in making all the out there ideas seem plausible. The sound sets the tone and gives everything the epic feel it would be if anything such as imploding the moon to save the Earth could be a choice. The casting is in tune with the atmosphere of the whole flick and each deliver a good performance to bring out the emotions of the situation quite well. Highly recommend both of these movies be added to your watchlist especially if you are into epic science fiction that really teeters on the unbelievable portion of the "science" in their "fiction". Bonus during the credits is a scene that directly mentions the dire conflict of the first one and potentially what/who is at fault.
The Wandering Earth Ii (2022)
Updated: Jun 28, 2023