My quick rating - 5,1/10. Not too bad comedy/horror flick about a possessed trailer park and what happens to a group of catholic school retreat kids that happen upon it. The characters all make sure each cliche you are expecting is front and center for your entertainment. When they need to bring the gore, it is done pretty well. It would be one that foots the bill on chiller or shudder late at night but really doesn't rise far above average. It does have a good sense of humor though to balance out the sheer cheese of the rest of it. For being a clear low budget indie effort, director Steven Goldmann does a good job of making it appear to be more than that. The effects are done well enough to keep you entertained while they keep piling on one stereotype after another andblast you with one-liners. Which a few of are quite amusing. Don't go in expecting any form of a serious horror flick and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Trailer Park of Terror (2008)
Updated: Nov 7, 2024