My quick rating - 6,1/10. Much more a comedy than a horror. Don't mind the tag since those are more used to point out where the flix go in my archaic file system. And as far as comedy goes, I really enjoyed some of it. When the dialogue was on, it was great but there are sometimes when the jokes are completely flat or may be suffering a bit from a nationality difference. But it was definitely funny enough to keep watching throughout. The story itself is a Hogans Heroes type of thing, believe it or not. We have some spoiled kid who is a lawyer stuck in a military family who is sent on a suicide mission across enemy lines. During this excursion, he is captured by the opposing forces since it is wartime (the Spanish Civil War??) But soon they all realize that which side of the war you are on isn't going to matter since it appears that zombies are roaming around in the same region these two groups are squabbling over. This is the main focus of the comedy in this movie, who is going to shoot who before deciding they have to work together. And the setup makes for some good one-liners. The gore is kept to a minimum here with blood effects usually being of that CGI splatter version. Simple yet effective looking enough. The characters are scripted well although the dubbing here leaves something to be desired in delivery although it is way better than the usual dubs that are illogical in what people are saying. I have a feeling the actual actors would've made this one better for the country of origin. Once the action gets rolling along, it runs at a nice pace with good gunplay for the weapons of the time. Also where ever the locale for filming was looked very authentic. I am always a sucker for good landscapes. You could surely do worse than this light-hearted zombie comedy that isn't at all serious and keeps you entertained. Currently streaming on Netflix.
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